倘若您接獲不明人士電話,可撥打警政署 165 反詐騙諮詢專線。



● 信用卡即時線上一次刷卡付款
● ATM付款
● 貨到付款
● LINE Pay


1.Magi Planet的商品一律是接單後排單生產,下單確認付款後,約3~5天(不含例假日)完成出貨。
2.以 便利袋/宅配通/宅急便 寄送商品。
3.配送範圍包含台灣本島、外島地區,外島(澎湖、金門、馬祖、蘭嶼、綠島、小琉球)運費另計,本島地區每箱運費100元。 宅配免運門檻為799元(免運門檻以最終結帳金額為準)。外島地區每箱運費300元,滿額門檻為1200元(只需負擔$220元運費)。
1. 海外以 EMS/DHL 寄送商品,約7-10個工作天,各國時間不同。受新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情影響,寄達天數均大幅延誤。

2. 配送範圍包含 亞洲地區(南韓、中國大陸、馬來西亞、汶萊、泰國、柬埔寨、越南、菲律賓、緬甸、寮國、中亞、南亞、西亞)、非亞洲地區(歐洲、紐西蘭、加拿大、美國、中美洲、南美洲、加勒比)

3. 選擇配送範圍和國家後,系統自動計算運費,以材積計算,包含贈品材積。

4. 海外訂購流程:
→ 選擇配送方式 (宅配)
→ 選擇配送地區 (海外國家) Overseas-EMS(ASIA) / Overseas-EMS(OUTSIDE ASIA)
→ 付款方式 (信用卡) VISA / MasterCard / JCB
→ 備註 (不主動提供袋子, 如特殊需求請下單後備註)
→ 收貨人資訊
→ 收貨人地址 (選擇國家並填入地址)

5. 如選擇的配送範圍和國家不符合,系統會提醒無法配送至此地址,請更換地址。

6. 訂購完成後您會收到email確認信(如未收到email,請確認垃圾郵件),我們用EMS/DHL出貨後,您也會收到EMS/DHL追蹤單號的email。查詢配送狀態:EMS https://track24.net/service/ems/tracking 或 DHL https://mydhl.express.dhl/us/en/home.html#/createNewShipmentTab

7. 海外出貨以 台灣規格和中文標籤 出貨,如有海關特殊需求,需先確認後再訂貨。進口稅或關稅由收貨人支付。

8. 海外配送不接受退換貨服務。下單時請謹慎確認內容,訂單完成後無法更改內容,必須取消訂單重新下訂。

9. 目前我們不配送日本、夏威夷、香港、澳門、新加坡和印尼,因為您可以在當地店鋪購買。如有清單以外的國家想訂購,請參閱 overseas ,或 聯絡我們 由專人為您服務。



3.退換貨注意事項:退貨的商品必須必須回復原狀,亦即必須回復至您收到商品時的原始狀態 ( 包含主商品、附件、內外包裝、隨機文件、贈品、活動贈品等 )
* 在不影響您檢查商品情形下,您將商品包裝毀損、封條移除、吊牌拆除、貼膠移除或標籤拆除等情形。
* 在您收到商品之前,已提供您檢查商品之機會。
* 其他逾越檢查之必要或可歸責於您之事由,致商品有毀損、滅失或變更者。

Overseas Payment Methods

Credit Card (VISA / MasterCard / JCB)


Overseas Shipping & Delivery

1. Overseas shipping & delivery by EMS / DHL, around 7-10 working days, depending on destination. Due to COVID-19, air travel has been restricted, international deliveries may take longer than usual.

2. International shipping region including ASIA (South Korea, Malaysia, China,  Brunei, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Central Asia, South Asia, West Asia) and OUTSIDE ASIA (Europe, New Zealand, Canada, United States, Central America, South America, Caribbean Sea)

3. After selecting the shipping region, the international shipping cost is automatically quoted based on the package size (volume weight), including the free gift.

4. Overseas shopping process:
→ Select shipping method(Home Delivery)
→ Select shipping region(Oversea Country) Overseas-EMS(ASIA) / Overseas-EMS(OUTSIDE ASIA)
→ Payment method(Credit Card) VISA / MasterCard / JCB
→ Note (no paper bags, please remark on order "Note" for your special request.)
→ Recipient's info
→ Recipient's shipping address (select country and address)

5. If the selected shipping region and country are not matched, the system will highlight "It can't be shipped to this address, please modify the address."

6. After the order is completed, you will receive a confirmation email. (If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your junk mail.) After we deliver by EMS/DHL, you will also receive an email with the EMS/DHL tracking number. Tracking delivery status: EMS https://track24.net/service/ems/tracking or DHL https://mydhl.express.dhl/us/en/home.html#/createNewShipmentTab

7. The product specification and label content are Taiwan version, please make sure if the customs have special requests before purchasing. Any customs or import duty is paid by the recipient.

8. No return and exchange services. Please carefully confirm the content when placing an order. The content cannot be revised or changed after the order is completed and paid. If there is any wrong content, the order must be canceled and re-ordered.

9. Currently we do not deliver to Japan, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Indonesia, because you can find our popcorn in local stores. If you want to deliver to countries other than the above list, please refer to overseas or contact us to be serviced for you.


Return & Refund

No return and exchange services for overseas orders. Please make sure you agree with this policy before purchasing.

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