星奕企業有限公司- Magi Planet星球工坊 聲明稿

感謝長期支持Magi Planet星球工坊的您,
Magi Planet星球工坊創立至今已有九年,
近期我們發現有其他爆米花業者使用Magi Planet星球工坊的商品圖,
為了維護品牌與顧客之權益,Magi Planet星球工坊特此聲明與其他品牌非合作夥伴關係,
並呼籲消費者購買時留意Magi Planet星球工坊之商標。
若相關業者有仿冒之現象,Magi Planet星球工坊將保留法律追訴權利。


Thank you for your support for Magi Planet popcorn.
For the past 9 years since Magi Planet is founded,
we have been adhering to our mission to continually innovate and develop quality products to deliver amazing experience to every customer.
Recently, it is brought to our attention that a popcorn company has used our product
picture to promote their own product,
thus violating the copyright of our creative artwork and misleading the customers. 
Magi Planet does not tolerate plagiarism and retains the right to seek legal prosecution if
such act reoccurs.
We also appeal to customers to pay attention to Magi Planet trademark when making



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